With larger holiday family meals coming up soon, you may be thinking about the function of your kitchen. Kitchens that work with you as you cook, serve, and clean will allow you to get the task done efficiently to be able to focus on your family and guests. Here are some tips for figuring out how your kitchen needs to function for you as you plan for your remodel.
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Five Ideas for Adding Tile Accents to Your Shower
With the sheer number and variety of shower tile options available, custom shower walls can become a canvas— full of possibilities. Though it's not a bad choice to stick with a single tile for a classic and minimalist look, there's also the chance to add character, color, and interest with the addition of accent tiles. This can often help a shower stand out and feel like a feature in the bathroom. Accent tiles are also a great design addition if there are tiles you really like that might blow your budget if you used more than a few dozen. Here are five ideas for accent tiles in the shower.
Read MoreTopics: Bathrooms, Walk-In Showers, Designer Insights
For families, large or small an essential space in the home is the family room or den. It is in this casual space that the family can gather for a variety of activities, none more ubiquitous than family movie night. For this room to function the best for this all-important task, it must be balanced in size and have the correct configuration so that all seats in the house can comfortably and clearly see the TV. Here are five family room spaces to inspire your remodel for the perfect movie night experience.
Read MoreTopics: Project Inspiration, Designer Insights, Family Home Ideas