Neal's Home Remodeling and Design Blog

Designer Picks for Kitchen Must-Haves

Posted by Neal's Design Remodel on Tue, Jun 28, 2022

We all have our preferences for how we'd like our kitchen to look, feel, and function. Designers are experts are taking those preferences and checking off as many boxes as your project and budget allow . They will set aside their own preferences to match your needs. If you were to ask them what they would do if it was their kitchen, though, of course they would have an answer! So we asked the Neal's Design team what they would pick as "must-haves" for their client's kitchens if there were no limitations .
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Topics: Kitchens, Designer Insights

4 Major Backyard Remodeling Ideas

Posted by Neal's Design Remodel on Tue, Jun 21, 2022

There are a lot of ways to make dramatic changes to your backyard, and no shortage of ways to fit your specific needs. When it comes to making a major change to your outdoor space certain project types will provide a larger impact. Whether your ideas are grand or small, these projects will make a huge difference to your yard. Here are four ideas for major outdoor living projects that will make a big difference to your backyard.

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Topics: Outdoor Living, Home Remodeling

Project Spotlight: An Indian Hill Kitchen with Casual Elegance

Posted by Neal's Design Remodel on Tue, Jun 14, 2022

Symmetry is a vital component of formal design and works well in many areas of the home. When applied to the kitchen, symmetry helps to identify where items should be placed in order to create a balanced plan that feels orderly and elegant. In this Indian Hill project, an eye for symmetry in an asymmetrical space helped define and improve the kitchen's relationship with the connected rooms. We spoke with Neal's Designer Cyndi Kohler about how she merged formal principles with practical space planning to create a new welcoming and comfortable kitchen.

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Topics: Project Spotlight, Kitchens

4 Hot Kitchen Hardware Trends

Posted by Neal's Design Remodel on Tue, Jun 7, 2022

Kitchen hardware has the distinction of being one of those important elements that are as important for function as for style. Hardware is a key piece of the design scheme of a kitchen, often helping to bring together the color palette or style direction of the whole space. It's also the way in which drawers and cabinets become easier to use in the most literal sense. It's no wonder, then, that kitchen hardware is one way that trends and popular design concepts are expressed. Though trends may or may not always work in any given kitchen plan, knowing what's popular can be a good place to start when figuring out what you want for your own space. Here are 4 kitchen hardware styles that are hot right now.

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Topics: Design Trends and Ideas, Kitchens

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